Paul Beegan seeks your support to elect him to serve as the next council person for Ward 2 in Lakewood. Paul and his family have lived in Lakewood for 19 years, owned a home on Summit Avenue for 15 years, and operated a Lakewood based business for over 8 years.

Ever since his 2003 Cleveland Bridge Builders experience, Paul has actively dedicated his time & talents to ensure Lakewood is a safe, vibrant, and economically sustainable community for all of its diverse residents. Paul’s focus has been on Enhancing Housing for the 21st century, Economic Sustainability, Infrastructure & the Environment, Active Living, and Strengthening Community Assets. His proven leadership skills make him an excellent candidate for Lakewood City Council. Paul has served on the boards of Lakewood Alive and Lakewood Community Progress, Inc. where he chaired the Housing Committee and the Downtown Lakewood Design Committee. Paul served on the Detroit Avenue Streetscape Enhancement steering committee to transform our downtown into a vibrant NEO destination. Other roles have included serving as chair of the St. Luke Parish Pastoral Council and on the facilities committee for Lakewood Catholic Academy.

Paul serves as a chair of the Urban Land Institute where he is engaged in the Building Healthy Places initiative. Paul owns and manages two commercial buildings on Madison Avenue where he received an award by the City of Lakewood and the Cleveland Restoration Society for a storefront renovation. Please help to support Paul Beegan and elect him to be the next Lakewood City Council member to serve in Ward 2.

Cindy Costello, Treasurer
15514 Detroit Avenue
Lakewood, OH 44107